Saturday, August 31, 2019

Health Care Museum Essay

Development Description Analysis (How does the development affect the current U.S. health care system?) 1. Surgery A surgical procedure is medical treatment that involves a physician cutting into a patient’s body to repair or remove something. Surgery procedures have existed since prehistoric man. In 1540 C.E. barbers and surgeons united to form The United Barber-Surgeons Company. These barber-surgeons performed tooth extractions and bloodletting procedures. As our knowledge grows, so do our abilities. Some procedures such as tracheostomy, described in detail by Paul of Aegina (625-690 AD), remain pertinent today while others which contributed to the demise of many patients (e.g. bloodletting) were surprisingly slow to disappear (Hindle, K. S., & Hindle, S. J., 2001). Surgeries save many lives. Today surgeries are used for replacements and transplants. Elective non-life threatening surgeries are performed quite commonly now. Microsurgery uses small incisions to minimize exposure and reduce the impact of the procedure all together. There is also cosmetic surgery which is usually elective an d not medically necessary. With today’s surgical practices the body can be manipulated in many ways with minimal effect. 2. Technology Technology is the creation and usage of tools for achieving goals. In health care, technology is used for information purposes, to teach, and heal. We have computers that keep track of medical records. We have machines that can see through the human body. There are sensors that can collect data from a patient and transmit it wirelessly to a physician. There are even machines that aid physicians during surgery. Technology completely affects health care. It has allowed patients and doctors to stay connected better than ever. Telecommunications provide health care workers with the ability to  communicate with each other all around the world. Technology has allowed for easier storage and access to medical information. Health care workers can locate a patient’s information with the click of a button. Patients can go online and access a plethora of health information. Technology also enables us to view the body in new ways (CAT scan, x-rays). Robotics allow physicians to perform s urgeries in places where they cannot be via remote link. 3. Child Birth Beginning back in the Renaissance era barber-surgeons provide child birth services. Much later in 1716 midwives were given the ability to obtain licenses and help women through labor. Shortly after the war of 1812 medical schools began teaching birthing techniques to physicians. By the 1900’s physicians attended approximately half of the nation’s births. Child birthing at hospitals performed by physicians are much safer than the â€Å"home births† of yester years. With hospitals the patient’s area is always clean and sterile. This reduces risk for the mother and child. With physicians as the primary deliverer, complications can be handled sooner and adequately. These techniques have allowed the safe birthing of millions. This protects are future generations by keeping them safe. 4. Vaccines As the United States grew toward independence in the 1700’s, public health efforts also grew. In 1796 Dr. Edward Jenner created and tested the first vaccine (Henderson, D. A., 1997). After word of the discovery two London doctors confirmed Jenner’s findings and began wide distribution. Within 3 years the information was translated into 4 different languages and spread across 4 continents. The success of vaccines has led to a situation where many health care providers and parents have not witnessed the morbidity and mortality of the diseases for which these agents are indicated (Ruddock, B., & Malak, K., 2005). Vaccines offer protection from numerous disease. Without vaccines illness would be far more rampant. 5. Medicare In 1965 President Johnson signed into law the Medicare program. Medicare provides medical access for citizens 65 and older who cannot afford care themselves. Over time the coverage has expanded to include disabled citizens  and those with end stage renal disease. Medicare gives medical access to many people who would not have it otherwise. Medicare is the government’s first program associated with public health insurance. Since then the U.S. has seen Medicaid and now recently the Affordable Care Act. Essentially, these are government programs designed to ensure care for citizens. These programs expand health care. As more people are able to have health coverage, more health care services become needed. While these programs provide protection they also stimulate growth within the medical field. Part 2 How does everything connect? Write up a comprehensive overview of how these events evolved into each other. First on my list is surgery. While child birth has been around since the dawn of man, modern birthing practices did not come into effect until the 1800’s. Surgical procedures on the other hand, have been dated back to 6500 hundred years before common era (BCE). Skulls found in France show signs of a rudimentary surgery called trepanation, which involves drilling a hole in the skull. (Heisler. J., 2014). Surgery has been a major health tool for a very long time and we are still improving upon it today. Technology comes second on the list because ever since man realized he could manipulate the body, tools have been needed to do so. Even the skulls in France required some sort of tool to drill the hole. Of course technology goes beyond simple tools. Technology encompasses numerous devices each with their own unique quality. Technology expands our capabilities and allows us to do things we simply could not do ourselves. Technology also improves child birthing techniques. Thanks to sonograms physicians can see babies inside of the womb. This gives them great insight into the condition and development of the child in the womb. Before technology such as this, parents had to wait till the day of birth before they knew anything about the child. Next on the list are vaccines. While child birth did not directly influence the invention of vaccines, technology in fact did. Without the tools to collect and hold specimens, Jenner would never have been able to conduct his research. Additionally, vaccines have improved the health status of everyone  including children. Thanks to vaccines, children (and ultimately the population) no longer have to worry about Polio and other various viruses. Most required vaccines are given to children during their developing years. This protect the child through their entire life. Last of the developments is Medicare. Vaccines didn’t directly lead to Medicare, however all other developments did. With surgical procedures, technology, vaccines, and better child birthing practices, more people are able to live longer lives. As the population’s life expectancy increases, so does the need for care in all facets of life. Programs like Medicare protect the elderly by providing health care for those who could not afford it on their own. Essentially, social policies eventually become important for societies that can provide health care. Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act are necessary social devices that protect U.S. citizens. References Austin, A., & Wetle, V. (2012). The United States health care system: Combining business, health, and delivery. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Lemelson-MIT. (2003, April). Louis Pasteur. Retrieved from Henderson, D. A. (1997). Edward Jenner’s vaccine. Public Health Reports, 112(2), 116-21. Retrieved from Ruddock, B., & Malak, K. (2005). Sorting out risks, benefits of vaccine. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 138(5), 59-60. Retrieved from Hindle, K. S., & Hindle, S. J. (2001). A history of surgery. Royal Society of Medicine (Great Britain).Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 94(8), 423. Retrieved from Heisler. J. (2014). The Evolution of Surgery. Retrieved from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Economic Problems

Major economic problems in the Philippines are very similar to the economic problems in other underdeveloped countries. Some of the major pinpointed problems are the import-export imbalance, causing those who specialize in trade and make their living off of imported and exported goods to lose money. The imbalance causes families that are forced to survive off of this small income to wonder if they are going to eat the next week or not. One week there are plenty of orders to keep a family and company afloat; the next, there are no orders, causing the family and companies to suffer.Decline of the Philippine peso, which is the value of the money in the Philippines. The lack of business versus the amount of pesos in the small country simply do not add up. In order for families to purchase anything in the Philippines, they have to have several hundred pesos to equal the value of what ever it is they are attempting to purchase. The pesos are equal to less than that of the Mexican peso. Rel iance on remittances. This is when the companies in the Phillips attempt to sell and distribute goods over seas, with other workers from the countries.The Filipinos work in a different country and forward monies back to the homeland, where the company is based out of. This prevents the countries – the foreign and home – from taking out excessive taxes and fees for importing and exporting goods. These are just some of the major problems concerning the Philippines. More information on this country can be found at www. buzzle. com. Individuals continue to suffer daily, and struggle throughout daily life. There are several charities set up through the United States in an attempt to assist these families that desperately need help with simple survival skills. Economic Problems Major economic problems in the Philippines are very similar to the economic problems in other underdeveloped countries. Some of the major pinpointed problems are the import-export imbalance, causing those who specialize in trade and make their living off of imported and exported goods to lose money. The imbalance causes families that are forced to survive off of this small income to wonder if they are going to eat the next week or not.One week there are plenty of orders to keep a family and company afloat; the next, there are no orders, causing the family and companies to suffer. Decline of the Philippine peso, which is the value of the money in the Philippines. The lack of business versus the amount of pesos in the small country simply do not add up. In order for families to purchase anything in the Philippines, they have to have several hundred pesos to equal the value of what ever it is they are attempting to purchase.The pesos are equal to less than that of the Mexican peso. Reli ance on remittances. This is when the companies in the Phillips attempt to sell and distribute goods over seas, with other workers from the countries. The Filipinos work in a different country and forward monies back to the homeland, where the company is based out of. This prevents the countries – the foreign and home – from taking out excessive taxes and fees for importing and exporting goods.These are just some of the major problems concerning the Philippines. More information on this country can be found at www. buzzle. com. Individuals continue to suffer daily, and struggle throughout daily life. There are several charities set up through the United States in an attempt to assist these families that desperately need help with simple survival skills. For more information, please see:www. reference. com

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Relationship between Impulse Buying and Sensation Seeking Essay

The Relationship between Impulse Buying and Sensation Seeking - Essay Example The results revealed that the data from the Impulse Buying variable was normally distributed unlike that for the Sensation Seeking variable. The results furtherv showed that there was a weak positive correlation between sensation seeking and impulse buying, rs= .762, n = 30, p = > .05. The results hence failed to support the hypothesis. Sensation seeking is the â€Å"need for varied, novel, complex sensations and experiences, and the willingness to take physical and social risks for the sake of such experiences† (Zuckermann, 1979, p265). Sensation seekers are risk takers. Their main aim is to get and enjoy the gratification that comes immediately after a certain activity. Impulse buying is purchasing items without having planned to buy them (Rook, 1987). Impulse buying behaviour is closely related to sensation seeking. The need for unique experiences as well as the willingness to take risks so as to fulfil these experiences is some of the reasons for impulse buying (Youn and F aber, 2000 and Verplanken and Herabadi, 2001). This topic which focuses on impulse buying and sensation seeking behaviours has been chosen due to the similarities in the two behaviours. Sensation seeking normally leads to impulse buying, a behaviour that is widely characterised by sensation seeking tendencies (Reynolds, Ortengren Richards, 2006). Sensation seeking has been described as the pursuit of the novel and/or intense and complex sensations. According to Rook (1987), there are many things that sensation seekers do that are not risky. There are those sensation seekers whose main aim is to experience the thrill ad adventure that comes with participating in a certain high-risk activity (Arnett, 1994). There are other people who prepare budgets, but they nevertheless end up buying thing that they had not planned to buy. Then is also a category of people who just buy anything they think will delight them (Zuckerman, 2007). They do not have to make any kind of budget because they d o not mind buying out of the blues. In many cases of impulse buying, an individual normally experiences a persistently powerful urge to purchase the product immediately without putting much thought into the consequences of buying the product (Rook, 1987). Some researchers have found that people who have high sensation seeking tendencies are likely to have high risk tendencies in their financial lives. Impulse buying is a relatively high risk tendency (Horvath and Zuckerman, 1993). According to Reynolds, Ortengren and Richards (2006), individuals who show signs of maladaptive shopping behaviours are more likely to suffer from distress and financial constraints. Most of these individuals are women. Such people are likely to experience some form of anxiety or relief before they make their purchases. This shows that there could be some relation between impulse buying and sensation seeking. For instance, when individuals feel anxiety and the need to cool down the anxious attacks, then th is could said to be sensation seeking. Impulse buyers live for excitement (Zuckerman and Neeb, 1979). Impulse buying is a rather exciting undertaking that sensation seekers normally find to be satisfactory. They think only of the immediate gratification, not of what may come after. An impulsive sensation seeker normally lacks the ability to process information cognitively when the need arises (Zuckerman, 2007). The need to satisfy a certain sensation is more important to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Future of Retail Sector in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Future of Retail Sector in UK - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that retailing includes all the activities involved in selling products or services directly to the final consumers for their personal, non-business use. Many institutions are the retailer but in recent years non-store retailing has been growing faster than the store retailing. That means non-store retailing includes selling to final consumers through direct mail, catalogs, telephone, internet, TV home shopping shows, home & office parties, door-to-door contact, vending machines & other direct selling approaches. Retailing is one of the major economic sectors of UK as retail sales of about 22l billion, about 3 million people are employed here and about 300,000 shops are on an operation. At both the business and the store level the scale of polarization is noticed. There are huge retailers & the existence of multinational businesses those are dominating the sector in the country. Retail stores come in all shapes & sizes, & new retail types kee p emerging. Thus they can be classified in terms of the amount of offered service, the breadth & depth of the product lines, the relative prices that are charged, & the organization module. Retailers operate in a harsh & fast changing environment which offers threats as well as opportunities, to become successful, retailers will have to choose target segments carefully & position themselves strongly. In this view, the airlines business of UK is one of the best examples of the retail sector. It is more competitive today than ever before, it serves consumers more choice as well as cheaper fares than before. There is no surprise that the number of passengers of UK airports is continuously increasing, from 70 million in 2000, 86 million have been flown in 2004. Retailers are always searching for new market strategies to attract & hold customers. Service differentiation has also eroded. Retailers first decide their target markets & then decide how they will position themselves in this ma rket. The product assortment should differentiate the retailer while matching target shoppers expectation. Then the price policy must fit its target market & positioning, service assortment & competition. After, to use one or all-promotional tools - advertising, selling, sales promotion, & direct marketing are required to reach to the customers. Place decision points to three critical factors in retailing success: location, location & location. The environmental analysis should be a continuous flow of planning aspect.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

College Book Report on Miracle At Philadelphia Essay

College Book Report on Miracle At Philadelphia - Essay Example One of the latest full-service entries in the history survey sweepstakes, American Passages is a beautiful text that is well-designed. It is written in an engaging style. The volumes have a friendly tone that is warm without being suffocating. Most students and faculty should find them appealing. The massive amount of carefully chosen illustrations of various kinds are nicely reproduced. The maps are also good, with some exceptions. Each paper volume has the same set of appendices, including the Declaration of Independence; the Constitution; the nations population, 1790-1998; the admission of states to the Union; presidential elections and administrations; and the justices of the Supreme Court. The volumes split in an unusual way, which is an improvement on the traditional arrangement, especially for Reconstruction specialists. There are two overlap chapters rather than one, and the second volume begins in mid-war, with early Union occupations and the first stirrings of release, rath er than in 1865, reflecting an interpretative trend pioneered by Eric Foner. This novel approach owes much to the breadth and vision of lead author Edward L. Ayers, whose interest in and knowledge of Southern history and Civil War culture is well known. Volume one takes the story to 1877, ending with chapter sixteen, while volume two begins with chapter fifteen, "Blood and Freedom, 1863-1867." Two maps start each volume: the first shows the states and their capitals, with important places in the text highlighted; the second is topographical. Each section (two to four chapters) of the narrative has time lines with key dates for politics and diplomacy; social and cultural events; and economics and technology I first read this book several years ago for my high school American History class, and I just recently read it again. This book is excellent no matter

Monday, August 26, 2019

Ovarian Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Ovarian Cancer - Essay Example In this study, handling the need of being knowledgeable with regards the issues that involve the development of ovarian cancer among women is introduced through a processes examination and analysis of specific number of population who are to be observed with regards how they are responding to the procedures of the diet control approaches to be used in this research study. This study shall first and foremost introduce how ovarian cancer swipes the entire woman population around the world today. To support the said details, a research on the actual statistics comprising of the said details shall be presented along with the other mediums of explanation needed to make the issue clearly defined towards the readers. Through the in depth development of this research, it shall further be enumerated how much importance should be placed upon the understanding of women with regards their diet and how the said process actually affects the level of chances that they have in either preventing or incurring ovarian cancer in the future. It is through this that the researchers aim to open the minds of the readers towards the personal responsibility that they have towards their own safety from being afflicted by ovarian cancer. Although ovarian cancer (OC) occurs less frequently than breast or uterine cancer, it has the highest mortality rate of the gynecological cancers, comprising almost half of the deaths from these cancers (Bray, Sankila, Ferlay, & Parkin, 2002). In spite of improvements in screening and therapy, the five year survival rate is less than 30 percent (Berrino, 1999). In 2000, approximately 61,000 women were diagnosed with ovarian cancer and more than 39,000 died from the disease (Ferlay, Bray, Parkin, & Pisani, 2001) (See Appendix for a breakdown of National Cancer Institute statistics in the US). Due to the poor prognosis for ovarian cancer, it is imperative to discover effective methods of prevention as well as early diagnosis and treatment. It is also of the greatest importance to identify factors of influence, then develop intervention in the form of information dissemination. Background Overall Epidemiology Most cases of ovarian cancer (OC) occur sporadically (Schulz et al., 2004). However, approximately 10-20 percent of cases are believed to be hereditary. Females who inherit genetic mutations in the BRCA1 (Breast cancer stage 1) and BRCA2 (Breast cancer stage 2) genes have an increased risk of both ovarian cancer and breast cancer. Most of the women with these genes have one or more relatives with OC and/or breast cancer (Wooster & Weber, 2003). About 90 percent of all OC develops from epithelial cells that comprise the external surface of the ovaries (Bell, 1991). The current study uses the term ovarian cancer to refer to epithelial ovarian cancer unless otherwise noted. Most OC cases (85-90 percent) occur in postmenopausal females (Schulz et al, 2004). The etiology of the disease remains unclear. Nevertheless, the following two hypotheses have been proposed regarding disease causation: (a) The continuous ovulation hypothesis, and (b) the gonadotropin hypothesis (Edmundson, & Monaghan, 2001). The former hypothesis suggests that the number of cycles of ovulation may establish ovarian cancer risk by increasing the rate of cellular

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Social Desirability Bias Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Desirability Bias - Essay Example In this paper, I will be looking at ways in which students show social desirability bias, and how it affects research, so as to help researchers to use methods that avoid this bias Charity work has various benefits to part-time students and most of them might want to be associated with such benefits. For instance, participating in fund raising events such as charity walks or charity runs for a charity organisation help students to get away from their busy schedule and interact with other people. In so doing, they get an opportunity to make new friends and also exercise their bodies (Woodland Trust, 2013). According to (2013), quite a good number of students would get involved in charity work to get an experience in their area of study. Most companies these days want new applicant to have a work experience, and with difficulty in getting jobs just after college, students take advantage and get involved into charity work to get experience which can help them when it comes to writing something about work experience in their resume (, 2013). A research finding on a particular topic is very important, that is why the accuracy in findings is equally important (Mardsen and Wright, 2010). Looking at the research on charity, a researcher might be having several ideas in their mind as they carry out the research. Intentions like opening up a charity organisation or group in the campus may be affected by the response given to the researcher by the students. When interviewing students face to face, they will be obliged to give information that makes them look good before the researcher thus give information that might lead to wrong conclusions (Groves et al, 2011). For instance, a researcher might ask a student if they would rather study especially when they have exams or attend a charity event might be challenging. To look good, they might say that they would rather attend the charity event then study later. However, the truth might be that they will instead study and pass on attending the event. According to Neeley and Cronley (2004), this gives a biased answer that might affect the conclusions of the researcher. It is evident that charity work is seen as helping tools for college students in achieving their career dreams and social life (Roberts, 2007). To this effect, students who do not participate in any charity activity might even respond to questions and say they are actually involved. A researcher needs to know about these tendencies so as to develop a research method that discourages social desirability bias (Thompson, 2009). One can administer questionnaires that do not require personal information of the respondent. According to Crowther and Lancaster (2008), using questionnaires that offer anonymity of the respondent will prompt students to give honest answers. One can also carry out focused group discussions that will reduce the chances of a student giving inaccurate information. This will ensure that the rese archer comes up with effective conclusions and recommendations. Social desirability bias is a significant factor in determining the amount of time that students give to charity because it can affect the results of the study. Quality and accurate information is crucial for the success of any study and before the onset of a research, researchers usually develop objectives to guide them through

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Should We Require Labeling for Genetically Modified Food Essay

Should We Require Labeling for Genetically Modified Food - Essay Example This essay presents and analyzes their arguments, where they have both provided compelling claims that promote their interests, although they committed fallacies that diluted the strength of their theses; furthermore, this essay believes that without widespread public action, mandatory labeling will not be applied in the near future, and organic labeling can instead sufficiently serve as a guidance for people who want to steer away from GEF, while they prepare for stronger advocacy efforts for legalized GEF labeling. Aside from religious and health concerns of some consumers, GEF is not yet proven to be fully safe for people and the environment, and so they must be properly labeled for the benefit of proper consumer information. Bereano (1998) asserted that religious and citizen groups believe that the government, through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), should enforce mandatory labeling of GEF. They have a right to know because they need this information to make the right buy ing decisions. Furthermore, Bereano (1998) noted that the government is wrong to say that consumers do not have to know the process of food production, when other process labeling ways are practiced, such as having labels, which state that the food is kosher or dolphin-free. In addition, Bereano (1998) believed that because of the precarious nature of GEF, the â€Å"precautionary principle† must be applied (p.278). It is a precaution for people to know what they are eating, so that they can make informed decisions. Moreover, Bereano (1998) maintained that the commercial right to free speech is secondary to the consumers’ right to food information, especially when he emphasized that there are â€Å"material† differences between organic food and GEF. He reminded companies that, when they state that GEF have â€Å"substantial equivalence† to other food, it contradicts their need to patent their GE products because they are original and different (Bereano, 19 98, p.278). Hence, Bereano (1998) underscored that mandatory labeling serves the information needs of the general public, particularly in line with the potential or real harms to specific consumers because of health, cultural, environmental, scientific, and religious interests. Another source ascertained that GEF are not dangerous to human/animal health because the FDA ensures their safety. Levitt (2000) provided an FDA study which examined the safety of the most-criticized GM products and findings showed that they were not dangerous to human beings (Levitt, 2000, p.282). He presented his own scientific studies to back up his claims about GEF. In addition, Levitt (2000) explained the laborious process of GEF approval that are based on FDA and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) policies, specifically their 1992 policy on bioengineered food/crops. He stressed that even GEF food additives are subject to FDA evaluation and approval. He is saying that through these efforts, the governme nt can ensure that all GEF in the market are safe for human consumption. Moreover, Levitt (2000) asserted that the FDA works closely with bio-engineering companies in helping them comply with food production standards (p.285). Consultation is continuous and begins during the early product development process. Hence, Levitt (2000) felt that mandatory

Racism and discrimination in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Racism and discrimination in Australia - Essay Example People find a way to discriminate by use of discriminatory remarks and abusive language in their comments in the name of fun and celebration. Discrimination in the Australian society requires the immigrants to adopt the norms and values of the dominant culture of the native White population. Discrimination and lack of equal opportunities to the different ethnic communities dwelling together in Australia is a result of loopholes in the constitutional framework regarding the protection of rights of ethnic minorities. With the increase in the immigration rate in Australia, concerns about racism have increased. Initially, the questions about racism that surfaced reflected that the people of Australia are ready to reflect upon their attitudes and behaviors to bring a positive change in them. However, these questions do not enhance people’s self-understanding to a considerable extent. â€Å"Instead, we need a renewed commitment to a â€Å"fair go† for all Australians; an ins piring vision of the sort of country we could become, including an inclusive form of national identity; and unflinching recognition that racial prejudice is a harsh reality in Australia† (Brice-Weller and Paradies, 2012). One way in which discrimination cultivates in the Australian culture is the decriminalization of certain members of the society. Certain subjects in the Australian culture e.g. ... As a consequence of this decriminalization, there are very small punishments for drug dealing or drug use in Australia. A considerable population of the small-time drug dealers does not have to stay in the jail at all. In the year 2007, a federal parliamentary committee reported that it has assessed the government’s policy of harm-minimization ineffective as it encourages the adoption of a zero-tolerance approach towards providing the students with education about drugs in schools. The federal parliamentary committee also demanded a change in the law to put the children into compulsory treatment to minimize the likelihood and effects of drug addiction. A considerable population of young Australians has adopted a pro-drug culture. This is evident from the fact that Triple J, that is a famous ratio station of national youth in Australia addresses the issue of drug use with a neutral sentiment and any attempts of the radio station to discourage the drug use is hardly ever witness ed. A vast majority of the youngsters in Australians take this neutrality of media as a way to encourage the use of drugs. Discrimination is embedded in the educational framework of Australia. â€Å"Participation in preschool programs in Australia is very low compared with other OECD nations and so too is total public expenditure for pre-school education and care. This is reflected in wide inequalities of access to pre-schooling† (Argy, 2007). Children that live in the homes of low socio-economic value like the remote and outer urban communities do not have equal access to the communication and information technologies as others living in prestigious localities. Better opportunities of early childhood education and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Classroom Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Classroom Comparison - Essay Example Also, there are many ways in which both classrooms are different. In American classrooms, individuality is encouraged and the students participate freely in the classroom. This is very different from the classroom from my childhood, where conformity was expected. Another difference is that there is not very much homework in American classrooms. The classroom from my childhood had lots of homework and every student was expected to complete it. I feel that I learn best in American classrooms because I can freely ask questions of the teacher. In the classroom from my childhood, if I did not understand something then there was no way of finding out about it. I would also say that the well-being of the student is first and foremost in American classrooms. I feel that school should be focused on the students because they need it for a future career. The classroom from my childhood included a lot of respect for the teacher and students were expected to be

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Part1. Physical items Essay Example for Free

Part1. Physical items Essay Goods: Physical items produced by business organizations. Operations Management: the management of systems or processes that create goods and/or provide services Process: One or more actions that transform inputs into outputs Services: activities that provide some combination of time, location, form, and psychological value System: a set of interrelated parts that must work together. Technology: the application of scientific discoveries to the development and improvement of goods and services Operations management requires: both knowledge of the facts and how to interpret that info in order to produce and deliver Requires constant improvement: due to competition in the marketplace and advances in technology Good process design is: customer driven. What questions What type of process is best suited that will fulfill our customers needs What is the goal in selecting a supplier? To find the best product available for the best price you can The global market enables the operations manager: the flecibility to choose the most cost effective supplier Honda’s relationship with their suppliers is based on: trust Why did Hillrich Bradsby implement ERP system?: to simplify their processes When do hillrich bradsbey start their production process?: when an order is entered into the system What was the purpose of Disney’s Fast Pass?: remove the need to wait in line by using a virtual queue Measuring is an important method. Monitoring the consistency and repeatability of a process is called: statistical process control What technique does Gortac use to support continuous improvement: in manufacturing, try to be more efficient, improving quality: continuous improvement: record the days productivity numbers and compare – daily production meetings. How did ABTCO increase capacity without adding space or investing capital? : using fundamentals of operations mgmt., reorganized the manuf process to improve quality and efficiency. Closed lines producing unfrofitable products and started idle lines to fill shortages, as a result, their siding unit increased prod capacity w out adding space or capital expense.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Impact of the Islamic Invasion on Spain

Impact of the Islamic Invasion on Spain The history of Spain reflects the effect of certain cultures and religions on Spanish population, language, traditions and style of life. In the Middle Ages (about 411 AD) Spain was occupied by the German tribes and further the country was conquered by the Visigoths (416 AD) (Collins, 1995). However, the aim of this essay is to analyse the impact of the Islamic invasion on Spain, as the Muslims has had a considerable effect on the country up to the present day. In 711-714 the Umayyad dynasty seized the Spanish area near Cordoba (Rahman, 1989); forty years later Abd al-Rahman I created an Umayyad Emirate. But it was in the tenth century under the ruling of Abd al-Rahman III (912-961) that the Muslims managed to intensify Spains prosperity and wealth (Goodwin, 1990). Abdal-Rahman III united some areas of al-Andalus and improved military, tax and law systems. In the eleventh century the Emirate was divided into several kingdoms with unique cultures and traditions. After the decay of the Umayyad dynasty, other Islamic dynasties took control over Spain, such as the Almoravides, the Almohades and the Nasrids (Taha, 1989). At the end of the fifteenth century the Christian rulers seized the power in Granada and put an end to the Muslim ruling. Other Spanish places, such as Seville and Cordoba, were liberated from the Muslims by Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile in the thirteenth century. But the Islamic influence has preserved in Spain till nowadays, though Isabella made everything to destroy Islam and eradicate any traces of the Muslims. The Islamic invasion positively affected many areas of life in Spain, such as culture, education, religion, economics, science, society and family. Al-Andalus, as the Muslims called Spain, had acquired the central position among other civilizations of the ancient world since the conquest of Cordoba by the Umayyad dynasty (Chejne, 1974). In particular, the Muslims created about two thousand public baths and mosques for different social groups and implemented some schools for poor children in Cordoba. Although some Spanish regions opposed the Muslim ruling, industry and trade were considerably advanced by the Umayyads (Harvey, 1990). Spanish libraries contained more than 400,000 books and the streets of Cordoba were illuminated, unlike such European capitals as Paris and London. As Hillenbrand (1999) puts it, Cordobain its prime had no peer in Europe for the amenities of civilized life. Its houses were bountifully supplied with hot and cold running water, its streets were lit at night (p.175). Different religious groups, such as Christians, Muslims and Jews, successfully interacted with each other. According to Ghazanfar (2004), there existed no separation between science, wisdom, and faith; nor was East separated from the West, nor the Muslim from the Jew or the Christian (p.2). Such religious tolerance can be explained by the fact that the Muslims did not act as oppressors, but, instead, they tried to improve the living conditions of all social classes in Spain. As a result, Christians and Jews occupied the leading positions during the Muslim ruling (Hopfe, 1998). This peaceful co-existence of three religions had continued till the fifteenth century (Thomson, 1989), contributing to many aspects of life in Spain. For instance, in the eleventh century Arabic language was utilised in Spanish science and literature, while Spaniards began to learn the Muslims language to acquaint with Arabic writings (Shubert, 1992). Some Christians and Jews borrowed Arabic culture and religion, gradually transforming into Mozarabs, people who were Arabized (Watt, 1965). Many illiterate Spanish people learned to read and write, calculate and navigate (Houston, 1964). As the Muslims preserved some Roman and Greek literary works, Spanish Christians served as translators for these crucial manuscripts. Architecture, philosophy, mathematics and other sciences also prospered under the ruling of the Umayyad dynasty due to their belief in Allah and the laws of the Quran, the holy book of the Muslims that accentuated the power of knowledge (Fakhry, 1983). As the Muslims made attempts to understand God, they also tried to uncover the truth about human nature by conducting different researches and scientific investigations (Saud, 1994). For instance, the Muslims substituted the Roman number system existed in Spain for the Arabic number system that has been widely utilised in algebra, arithmetic and business since then. In addition, astronomy, medicine, biology and chemistry began to thrive in Spain after the Islamic invasion (Lewis, 1993). Among the most famous Spanish philosophers, writers, artists and scientists of the Muslim era are Al-Kwarizmi, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Zuhr, Al-Razi and Ibn Sina (Chejne, 1974). Ibn Sinas medical treatise Al-Qanun had been studied in many European educational establishments for about three hundred years and had been regarded as one of the best medical works (Vernet, 1992). One of the greatest Muslim scholars of Spain was Abu Zakariyah al-Awwam Ishibili who created a procedure of grafting and gave names to more than five hundred plants (Ghazanfar, 2004). Pedro Alfonzo, a Spanish Muslim scholar who was interested in astronomy, claimed that his wish was to raise once more to life the knowledge of that science which is in such a deplorable state among those educated in the Latin manner (Hermes, 1977, p.72). Due to such an advanced stage of scientific development, many European scientists arrived to Spain to receive knowledge in various sciences and to interpret Latin texts. In regard to economics, the Muslims created the silk industry in Al-Andalus, gradually transforming Spain into one of the largest countries for silk production. The country was also engaged in the production of satin, cotton, pepper, furs, clocks, paper, maps and soaps. Further Spain contributed to the fine fabrics manufacturing in Europe. Agriculture was poorly developed in Spain becau se of a primordial irrigation system (White, 1970; Semple, 1971); but the Muslims substituted this old system for a new improved irrigation method that resulted in the prosperity of orchards and the increase of rice crops in such areas as Granada and the Valenican huerta (Dickie, 1968). The Muslims utilised the method of Syrianization to improve agriculture of Spanish towns, especially Valencia and Seville (Burns, 1973). The new system allowed Spaniards to intensify crops with the help of artificial water supply (Smith, 1966, p.442). Up to the present day this irrigation system has been controlled by an old Muslim tribunal (Tribunal of the Waters); today this Tribunal is held once a week and is aimed at solving disputable agricultural issues. Due to these improvements, Spanish people began to cultivate various plants and trees, such as oranges, lemons, artichokes, apricots, olive and implemented an advanced system of nature protection (Imamuddin, 1965, p.84). Before the Islamic invasion, Spanish grew winter crops, but the Muslims managed to implement Indian crops that were grown in a frost-free season. As a result, many Arabic words were introduced in Spanish language to reflect different aspects of the irrigation system; for instance, alberca-al-birka means a pool and acequia-al-saqiya means an irrigation ditch. Nowadays some flowers bear the Arabic names, such asbellota-balluta for acorn, alazor-al-asfur for safflower and al-fasfasa foralfalfa. Other words reflect the impact of the Muslims on farming: tahona-tahuna (flour-mill), aldea-al-days (village), and rabadan-rabb al-dan (head-shepherd). As the Muslims were obsessed with nature, they utilised their artistic skills to create splendid gardens and buildings that have attracted attention of people till nowadays (Blair Bloom, 1994). Such unusual places as the Alhambra of Granda, the Mosque of Cordoba and the Alcazar of Seville are the visual legacy of the Muslims in Spain (Barrucand Bednorz,1992; Ettinghausen Grabar, 1987). These splendid architectural buildings clearly reveal the Muslims innovations in the fields of architectural design and style(King, 1978; Grabar, 1978; Rodriguez, 1992). Unfortunately, almost all Islamic architectural monuments were destroyed at the end of the fifteenth century; only the Alhambra remained undamaged (Fletcher, 1987). Many famous writers and artists depicted the Alhambra in their works (Ching, 1979). For instance, Washington Irving created  Tales of the Alhambra  when he visited this place in Spain. Despite the destruction of many Islamic buildings (Barrucand Bednorz, 1992), a new Islamic mosque for Spanish Muslims hasbeen recently built in Granada as a result of Islam renewal in 1989. The Muslims are able to pray in the mosque and receive education in such sciences as medicine and law. Today the number of the Muslims in Spain approaches to onemillion people who strongly defend their rights and their faith. Some Spanish Muslims continue to live in the Albaican quarter in Granada, where the Muslims lived in the 10-15 centuries. However, the tensions between Spanish Muslims and Spanish Christians are rather complicated, although Spa nish government realises that it is crucial to improve the relations between these two religious groups. Analysing the impact of the Islamic invasion on the history of Spain, the essay suggests that the Muslims considerably affected such areas of Spanish life as economics, culture, science, architecture, art and religion. They managed to improve the countrys agriculture and manufacturing, contributing to its prosperity and wealth; they implemented many advanced systems based on scientific findings, especially Arabic number system of calculation, the illumination system and the irrigation method. The Muslims transferred their knowledge in medicine, algebra, chemistry, astronomy, architecture, art, nature and technology to Spanish people who further imparted these valuable data to other European countries. Thus, the Islamic invasion on Spain paved the way for the period of Renaissance in Europe; as Ghazanfar (2004) puts it, Muslims not only occupied Spain but planted the roots of European Renaissance through unparalleled transfer of knowledge in almost every field known (p.11). Today the Islamic influence is especially obvious in many Spanish words that reflect the Arabic roots, as well as in architectural monuments, literature, sciences, legal laws and cultural traditions. Although Islam was officially renewed in Spain at the end of the twentieth century, the Muslims continue to experience serious racial prejudices from the side of Spanish Christians.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Operations Management Methods At Mcdonalds Corporation Business Essay

Operations Management Methods At Mcdonalds Corporation Business Essay Operations management is a keyword or method that is used to convert the inputs like materials, labour, proprietary information, etc into outputs like value-added products, services, goods, etc. The method includes a forecasting, capacity planning, scheduling, managing inventories, assuring quality, motivating employees, control of activity, and many more. In other words, it is a field of study that focuses on the effective planning , scheduling, use, and control of a manufacturing  or service organisation through the study of concepts from design engineering, industrial engineering, and management information systems, quality management, production management, accounting, and other functions as the affect the operation. (APICS Dictionary, 1995) Operations management concerns making the most efficient use of whatever resources an organisation has so as to provide the finished goods or services that its customer need in a timely and cost effective manner. (Barnett,1996). For better organisation, operations management relating with the strategy of the organisation plays a vital role. However, in this coursework, we will demonstrate the relationship between the operations management and the strategy of the organisation with the help of a corporate entity. The corporate entity chosen is  McDonalds Corporation. Company Background McDonalds Corporation  was first launched in 1940. It is one of the leading fast-food restaurant chains in the world. It was driven by siblings Richard Dick J. McDonald and Maurice Mac McDonald  in  San Bernardino,  California. The employees were instructed to Treat Every Customer with Respect and so children were made to feel special when they ordered. The food was not only served quickly, to a consistent standard, but it was also inexpensive. The result was the Speedee Service System. The principle of the modern fast-food restaurant was established in 1948. Due to fastest growing company, McDonalds restaurants are found in 120 countries and territories around the world and serve nearly 54 million customers each day. In all its restaurants around the globe, there are a number of operations that has a relationship with the overall strategy of the organisation. Let us now discuss the key operations decisions and its relationship with the strategy. Problems in McDonalds Restaurant Woolwich There are many problems in McDonalds restaurant of Woolwich among which some are listed below: Improper product planning . Cannot respond quickly to demands in peak hours due to which the customers go to Nandos located next door. Short of ingredients is always a major problem. No parking facility for the customers. The Woolwich market is closed by 5 p.m. daily. Hence, the customer will decrease gradually after that period of time. Since there is no facility for drive thru, it is the major problem for those customers who have no waiting time. As there is no facility for drive thru, most of the customers visiting the restaurant eat in. Hardly 30 customers can eat in at the same time in rush hours. The restaurant has always issue in supply chain and inventory management due to which there is always shortage in shock. The problem may be due to inappropriate ordering or miscalculation of stock. McDonalds restaurant use batch processing where numbers of sandwiches are made at the same time with the same condiments. If a customer wants, say, a hamburger without onions, he or she has to wait for a new batch of patties to be grilled. The kitchen space is much narrowed. Solutions Product Planning Every company should introduce new products. New products development shapes the companys future as well as gives a new taste to the customer. A company can add new products through attainment or promotion. Product planning is just a systematic decision making in all aspects of the development and management of a firm products. A product is anything that can be presented to a market to satisfy a want or need. Keeping on mind the exact utilization of the product through product planning, McDonalds Restaurant should keep on adding new products to its menu so as to accumulate the needs and choices of the customers which are persistently changing. For instance, the increasing liking of consumers towards healthy food made the restaurant add healthier food items to its menu. On the other hand, depending upon the season, it has to add new products for different seasons, for example hot coffee in winter and milkshakes in summer. Capacity Planning Capacity planning is the way of determining the capacity of product that the organisation needed to meet changing demands for its products. In the circumstance of capacity planning, capacity is the maximum amount of work done by the organisation in a given period of time. So, capacity panning is important for any organisation for operation decision making. Operations managers usually distinguish between short, medium and long-term capacity decisions. For short- and medium-term capacity planning, the capacity level of the operation is adjusted within the fixed physical limits that are set by long-term capacity decisions. This is also referred to as aggregate planning and control because it is necessary to aggregate the various types of output from an operation into one figure. In McDonalds Restaurant, the operations managers have to set its capacity of making food items in such a way that it responds quickly to the demands of those items in peak hours which is very important for a fast food restaurant like McDonalds. It also have to make sure that it has enough stock of  ingredients  to prepare food items which is very important because if one ingredient fall short then the whole process of making food may halt. For instance, if the buns required for making hamburgers fall short, then the restaurant may not be able to sell any hamburgers even if it has enough quantities of other ingredients. Location Planning Another most important role that every organisation must focus on is location planning. Success or failure actually depends on the location where it is situated. So, location planning plays a vital role for any organisation. Better location planning leads the organisation in success and obviously worse location planning leads the organisation in failure. Therefore, it is an essential significant success factors for any organisation. Thus, it is very important for businesses to choose an ideal location. McDonalds Restaurants also have to choose their location in such a way that maximum customers visit their restaurants and have full facilities of parking. Some customers may have no waiting time to eat in, so drive thru should be introduced. Moreover, it also prefers locations that are suitable and have plenty space for raw material delivery. Process Planning Process planning can be defined as the systematic method by which a product is to be manufactured economically and competitively. It consists of developing, selecting and specifying processes, machine tools and other equipment to convert raw material into finished and assembled products. After developing the product, the businesses have to develop proper processes planning for making and supporting the product. Process planning begins after the product design is completed. In McDonalds restaurant, the operations manager should develop and establishes the process of cooking food items so that food is prepared using that method which helps them to maintain the speed and the quality of the food. Moreover, it should also design processes so that the health, safety and hygiene issues are taken into consideration. Also the managers should keep on introducing latest equipments with the advancement of technology so as to bring pace, perfection and quality in the product. Layout Design Layout is the blueprint for arrangement of facility to provide working, service and reception, and storage and administrative areas. Traditional methods are used to design the layout. These methods include templates, scale plans, string diagrams, and travel charting as they have been proved as low-cost methods of  achieving either optimal or near optimal layout plans. Care must be taken by organisation when designing layout because poor layouts may lead the organisation to reduce the overall capacity and overall productivity. In McDonalds Restaurant also, layout designing is a very important operation. Due to the nature of the kitchen space, a good layout design should be carried out. Operations manager must have good knowledge about what equipment where to keep. So, a proper layout of the equipments in the kitchen is very essential to ensure preparation of quality food in less time. It should design its layout keeping in mind the health and safety issues with minimal supervision. Costs of productions also rely on the layout. Supply Chain Management A supply chain is the flow of processes of moving goods from the customer order through the raw materials stage, supply, production, and distribution of products to the customer. All organizations have supply chains of varying degrees, depending upon the size of the organization and the type of product manufactured. Managing the chain of actions in the process of supply chain is called as supply chain management. Effective management must take into account coordinating all the different pieces of this chain as quickly as possible without losing any of the quality or customer satisfaction, while still keeping costs down. In McDonalds also have certain suppliers who supply them the with the raw materials like buns, beef, patties, ketchup, sauce, mayonnaise, disposable cups, food packaging materials, etc. Therefore, it has to manage its relationship in an effective manner so as to get the raw materials at the right time, in proper quantity, and at acceptable cost. Inventory Management Inventory management is another important operation of any organisation. Inventory management is the process of controlling the stocks needed to run any organisation. It involves choosing the best method of inventory control. While choosing the method of inventory control, the organisations must keep in mind the expected demands of the products. McDonalds should follow the First-In-First-Out rules in the process of controlling the inventory. This is because most of the inventory consists of fragile items. Delivery of inventory happens twice or more times a week depending on the business of the restaurant. In addition, the stock kept in freezer with proper packaging so as to ensure freshness of the food items. All this activities comes under inventory management of the organisation. Quality Management Whether for profit, non profit, or an organisation like health-care maintenance organisation, quality management is the single most important process in any organisation for maintaining the quality of the goods and services. It also helps the organisation to keep up the reputation of the organisation. To manage and maintain the quality of the products and services, the organisation may adopt a number of practices like quality checks procedure etc. Quality in McDonald Restaurant is very important because of two reasons. Firstly because of the legal requirements of the quality of food served. Secondly, to keep up the good reputation which McDonalds restaurants have earned over the years. Quality of food can be very difficult to maintain and therefore, McDonalds restaurant carry on a number of practices to make sure that quality food is served. Some of these practices are the visits by the food inspector from the head office, supervisor checks etc. Conclusion: Therefore we conclude that operations management is very important for any organisations as they have a relationship with the overall strategy of the organisation. Operations management contributes to the strategy and therefore helps the organisation to gain competitive advantage. For instance, process planning can help the organisation reduce cost and gain cost advantages and therefore gain competitive advantage. Therefore the organisations must effectively manage the operations of the business as it has a massive effect on the strategy of the organisation.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparing Four Electronic Tuners Essay -- Compare Contrast Comparison

Comparing Four Electronic Tuners One in every 10,000 Unites States citizens are born with what doctors refer to as perfect pitch and those born with this ability are able to accurately identify any note they hear. In other words, a person with pitch perfect has built-in tonal memory that allows them to correctly label pitches. Unfortunately, most musicians lack this ability, and they work very hard to develop what is known as relative pitch. Relative pitch refers to a musician’s ability to identify pitches in relation to one or two memorized pitches. Therefore a person with relative pitch might memorize what an â€Å"A† sounds like and use that pitch as a marker to identify additional pitches heard. Unlike perfect pitch, relative pitch is not instantaneous, and it can become compromised if the musician does not continue to practice the skill. Fortunately, technology is making it far easier for musicians to strive for the perfection expected of live music today, and where once musicians had to rel y entirely on their own senses to identify and play pitches in tune, devices known as tuners are helping to correct and develop the occasionally unreliable senses of humans. A tuner is simply electronic device that can except an audio input and translate it into some type of visual aid for the musician. The most common displays consist of either a strobe or some sort of LED/LCD display that indicates the pitch played and whether or not the pitch is accurate. The accuracy of the pitch is measured in cents. For instance if a ‘C’ is played into the tuner, twenty cents sharp would mean that on a scale of 0 – 100, the pitch being played is 20/100 or 1/5 higher than what is considered to be an accurate ‘C’. This also implies that the... where as the Seiko and Korg have no such guarantees. When evaluated on sensitivity, the Peterson is the clear winner of the four. Finally, it is difficult to objectively rate the value of each tuner. Certain features are more important and useful to some individuals while not to others. Therefore what may seem like a reasonable price to one person may seem unreasonable to another. However, it seems that the Sabine is the best product for the price it is being sold at ($29.99). Despite the fact that it is the only tuner that has a sub 8-octave range, it features a built-in metronome which when bought separately would most likely cost $35.00 (price of a metronome with comparable features). Therefore the recommended personal tuner is the Sabine tuner/metronome. For supplemental photos, tables, and graphs, please see the accompanying PowerPoint slideshow.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

fidel castro :: essays research papers

Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926. He attended Catholic schools before graduating from the University of Havana with a degree in law. Castro was a member of the Ortodoxo Party, a social-democrat party, and strongly criticized the government of Fulgencio Batista. On the 26th of July in 1953, Fidel Castro launched an attack on the Moncada army barracks. It failed, and most involved were killed or captured. Fidel was captured and given a trial, which he used to make his famous speech, "History Will Absolve Me". Sentenced to 15 years, he was pardoned after just two. He then went into exile in Mexico, where he trained and assembled the 26th of July Movement. He gained support from Che Guevara and others before leaving aboard the Granma to invade Cuba in 1956. Returning to Cuba, the revolutionaries hid in the Sierra Maestra mountains, gaining support among the peasants. Eventually, Batista was forced to flee in 1959 and Castro took over. Many Cubans left when it became clear that the Revolution was a Marxist one. Economic antagonism from the United States caused Castro to nationalize all American property. The United States Government tried various schemes to assassinate Fidel Castro and continues to economically isolate Cuba. The CIA even tried to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs to remove Fidel Castro from power, but the Cubans successfully fought it off. As a result, Castro became closely aligned with the Soviet Union. The Soviets bought large amounts of sugar and supplied Cuba with economic and military assistance. This money fueled many of Castro's social programs, such as his war on illiteracy and free universal health care. Unfortunately, aligning Cuba with the USSR only led to more friction between Cuba and the United States.

The Characters of Maria and Oscie in Ann Rinaldis In My Fathers House :: Ann Rinaldi In My Fathers House

The Characters of Maria and Oscie in Ann Rinaldi's In My Fathers House   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the book In My Fathers House, written by Ann Rinaldi, there are two main characters whose names are Maria and Oscie. These two girls are sisters that live in a house that is being divided by the civil war. Their stepfather (Will McLean) is from the north and is known as a Yankee in the south. Most southerners disagree with his beliefs on slavery, but nevertheless, he is still a respected town leader on the school board and is head of the volunteer fire department. Maria, fifteen and more a southern belle, tries to get along with people and stays out of trouble with Will. Oscie, who is a year younger, often tries to get the better part of Will.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oscie and Maria vary in many obvious ways. One of these ways is that Oscie is more independent and can be more self sustained. Maria on the other hand is a southern belle who is heavily dependent on her family for all sorts of different needs. Maria is able to accept reality more than Oscie, is more mature and can handle being beaten in an argument, but Oscie can not accept losing and is always trying to best people around her and herself. An example of this is how Oscie is always arguing with Will. She even asked her tutor, â€Å"will you teach me to best Will McLean?†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although Maria and Oscie are very different they do have a few things in common. They both have an odd attraction to military men. This is shown in their choice of guys. They also both share the same parents. Sarah who is dead now, also has Dr. John and Mama as parents. Both Oscie and Maria are in love with the south and don’t want to part with most of its ways when they move.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Important Leaders in French and Indian War Essay

* George Washington – led colonists during the war. He was a colonel. Made a name for him and the experience of this war helped in the American Revolution. Both civil and military because he led a group of Militia. * General Edward Braddock – He led a group of two thousand men to capture Fort Duquesne. His group was ambushed and he died in the battle. * Earl of Loundoun – He was appointed commander and chief in 1756 of the British forces and caused failures for the British. * William Pitt – He took leadership of the British ministry in 1756. His aggressive new policies for the war were a major part in turning the favor of the war towards the British in the later half of the war. Important civilian leader. Known as the â€Å"Great Commoner†. He drew much of his strength from the common people. * Captain Robin Rogers – He led the Rangers (a group of New Hampshire men) and operated as spies and used guerrilla warfare against the French successfully through the war. * James Wolfe – important general who led the British to an important victory at the Battle of Quebec. * Jeffry Amherst – He is best known as one of the victors of the French and Indian War, when he conquered Louisbourg, Quebec City and Montreal. He was also the first British Governor General in the territories that became Canada. Many places and streets are named after him, in Canada and the United States. * James Abercrombie – British General and commander and chief. He is most known for the terrible British defeats in the 1758 Battle of Carillon. * Edward Boscawen – He was second in command for the siege of Louisburg and led a fleet and won in the Battle of Lagos. Important French military leaders and civilians/heroes * Louis-Joseph de Montcalm – He took over as commander and chief of the French forces in North America. He was a great feared leader who died at the Battler of Quebec. * Francois-Marie de Lignery – Colonial military leader in the French province of Canada. HE was active in the defense of New France in the French and Indian War. * Marquis de Vaudreuil – In 1755, he became the governor of Canada, replacing the Marquis Duquesne. * Fort George/Fort Duquesne/Fort Pitt – This centrally located fort in what is now Pittsburgh, PA changed hands many times during the war. It was the site of England’s first disastrous battle, in which Braddock lost his life. * Fort Necessity – This hastily constructed fort in Great Meadows, PA was the site of George Washington’s first defeat in 1754. Later in American history, it oddly came to symbolize the rugged spirit of the colonials. * Fort William Henry – Site of the most notorious massacre in colonial history, this fort located near the Hudson River fell to the French in 1757. * Louisbourg – An important city on the east coast of Canada (in present-day Nova Scotia). It was a French stronghold of arms and supplies. * Ticonderoga – A major French fort and city north of Albany. The British failed repeatedly to seize it; they finally succeeded in 1759.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Function of Art

Function of Art Art connects people by offering an idea they can relate to. It is important as it helps to improve and learn in areas of communication, expression, and historical understanding. Another reason art is important is its interwoven relationship with culture on the basis that culture is articulated and influenced by art. It is a way to communicate and express ones thoughts and dreams through cinema, dance, literature, music, painting, sculpture, and theater. As a child I grew up in the Bay Area and was introduced to art at a very young age.I was very fortunate to be exposed to several types of art forms from going to the San Francisco ballet, the de Young Museum, the Curran or Orpheum Theater, and San Francisco Symphony. Even though I was introduced to art at a young age I did not come to fully appreciate art until much later in life. From kindergarten to fourth grade I took ballet. From fifth grade thru high school I was involved in music, theatre, and art through differe nt mediums such as painting, clay, and wire. I tend to lean toward art in the form of painting or theatre for inspiration.The artist that stands out is Jackson Pollock, an American painter whose form of painting is referred to as abstract expressionism. Jackson Pollock’s art conveys the mindset of Abstract Expressionism. The painting has a life of its own. Pollock’s paintings are a spirited technique of pouring and dripping paint onto a canvas on the floor. It has been said that Pollock is more at ease working on the floor as he feels closer to his painting literally seeing it from every side becoming one with the painting. Pollock’s painting aborts traditional composition and lacks a fundamental motif.His works stimulates the viewer’s peripheral vision thus one’s eyes are continuously moving. I am fascinated by his work, and can attain creative and inspiration from his paintings. Theatre stimulates creativity in problem solving and challenges perc eptions about the world and about one’s self. It provides an outlet for emotions, thoughts, and dreams and if only for a few moments explore a new role or understand problems faced by figures of literature or historical. Theatre is at the center of is communication.Like any arts theatre allows us to communicate and understand others in new and different ways. In today's increasingly information-centered world theatre provides guidance in the practical characteristics of communication. Participating in theatre made it easy for me to speak in public, be more persuasive both in oral and written communications and able to put myself into someone else’s shoes. It also made me a more positive, confident and discipline. Through theatre I learn to cooperate, work together, contribute, collaborative, listen and accept the viewpoints of others.Theatre is an important tool for preparing one to live and work in a world that is increasingly team-oriented rather than hierarchical. I have researched the subject of art serving a societal purpose. Art bring awareness to humanities by means of presenting truths that cannot be articulated in another way. Art connects a society by offering an idea most can relate to. Philosophies that come from art lead to an enriched society, as long as we take action based on the values seen in art. Art can inspire sympathetic but reveal misconceptions, which are parts of the human experience as related in society.Perception can be a beneficial as one gains a better understanding of their place in society and about society as a whole. If the individual puts this new understanding into practice society will profit. Although I have some background in the arts, I would like to further my learning and discover more areas, such as music, cinema, and dance. I find value in painting as it helps develop insightful meaning and entice creativity in me. Theatre has helped me to develop an understanding for the world and the physical elements within it.Finally, art should be viewed as serving a purpose to society an important aspect that connects people by offering an idea that people can relate to. If the people act upon their artistic ideas society can better Because of this art should not exist solely for its own sake. Art is a drive to communicate an interpretive way, not bound by status quo. It is a sign of evolving society. Art is a way to express inner thoughts and feelings that words cannot. It is an emotional and physical outlet with symbols and meaning for us to interpret. Art is this and more, and its function is to expand communication on higher levels of thinking.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Essay on Stereotypes ††Example Essay

StereoTypes – Introduction Stereotypes are a part of our everyday life. We hear stereotypes every day and everywhere. Sometimes we can find ourselves in a situation where we make stereotypes for a large group of people. Every person, young or old, is labelled with either positive or negative stereotypes. Stereotyping is a way that people group each other. Each group is called by name, that doesnt really fit to everyone in that specific group. Stereotypes affect people’s social lives, emotions, and how people interact with their environment. There are times that you are not so open to the idea of meeting new people, and making new friends. You don’t want to go outside, because we have put our own set of rules in this world. We know that we get criticized about what we wear every single day! We are criticized in which music we listen to, how we look like, how we act, and who we hang out with. We are also criticized on every other personal trait and imperfection we have. We have put the bar way up high, maybe too high for our potentials. Stereotype Essay – What we really know? We cannot afford all the stereotyping that is going on between us. After we come and we say to people to just be who they are. If we say to a person that he or she is a hippie, just from the way they are dressed, that is just totally wrong. Hippie is someone who rejects the culture, not just the one who has long hair and wears beads. We are using the words in the wrong way. There are many people that have no friends, because they are tired of their critique. Leave everything behind and don’t let stereotypes ruin your social life. Stereotypes have an enormous impact of how we feel. That makes people have no motivation; therefore they won’t have good performance at any level in their life.For instance if a kid is stereotyped as black and obese, how can these words make him feel good, so that he/she can move on to the next level This can create psychological pressure. Other people face stereotypes as a threat. For example there is a stereotype that says that women are bad drivers. It puts even more pressure on how they feel, not only being around people who are labelling them, but being around people that they trust. They will try to prove to them that this is just a stereotype and it does not exist. In addition, this occurs in situations where people worry for their performance and how they look like. Besides that people don’t want their poor performance to lead to negative stereotypes.To modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us TodayMembers of stereotyped groups worry of what they are doing, and this makes them stressed, because they think that they have to be perfect, in all aspects of their lives! People get tired of being criticized all the time. When there is no one able to close people’s mouths, they start to become isolated. In the same way they don’t talk, because they are afraid to say something wrong, so that they won’t look silly. They are afraid of failure. For example, people seem surprised when they see men cry or being emotional. They think that men are not allowed to express their feelings, or men have no feelings at all. Men are not unconscious, they have feelings, but that is just a stereotype and a generalization from our society. It is easy to see that with are actions and sayings we are trying to kill emotions and thoughts! We should learn how to control our feelings and emotions, instead of letting stereotypes control them. In addition, your surroundings can be affected as well. If you had a bad day because someone just stereotyped you, when you go home or to your friends you are going to be really anxious. In addition you would probably get irritated or feel sad at the same time. You just go to your room or sit alone in a corner. When your loved ones see you like that they are not going to feel any better, because your emotions are now in control, and you just pass them around. In other words you broadcast your feelings to others. Furthermore there are times teachers question their students â€Å"Did I create a good environment, so that you can be able to talk and share ideas with the rest of your class?† Well, sometimes teachers cannot change this situation. The only people that can create a comfortable and happy atmosphere are us – the students. They are many stereotypes going in and out of every classroom. That’s why sometimes students can be afraid to share ideas, because before they were stereotyped as nerds. These days’ people are afraid to be themselves, because they fear other people. They don’t want people to think something bad for them. Secrets, thoughts, and ideas, are all held down. Stereotypes can be an obstacle as to how open you are with people and how you make people feel when you are with them! Conclusion Instead of focusing on all the mistakes of each person, we should start paying more attention of how unique each person is. Stereotype causes people to feel lonely and even sometimes depressed. It’s also harmful for their environment and their social life. We should keep stereotypes out of the picture, even though sometimes we can be victims ourselves. Stop judging people before you even get to know them. You may also like reading Dissertation Examples Methodology Essays – Dissertation ExampleTo modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us TodaySummary Reviewer Admin – Robert Gil Review Date 2017-06-30 Reviewed Item Essay on StereoTypes – Custom Essay Writing – Free Sample Author Rating 5

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Research Qualitative Review

This paper will critique the qualitative study written by Peiters, et al. (2011), which looks at the journey and barriers older women diagnosed with breast cancer must hurdle to receive treatment. This research was to reveal the complexities of breast cancer diagnosis, treatment and life in general for women greater than seventy-years old. To achieve this task, Peiters, et al. , (2011) implemented the constructivist grounded theory. The data analysis approach appropriately utilized for this research was constructivist grounded theory. This theory allows for self reflection during data gathering and analysis, which divulges any influential prejudices that may arise from both researcher and study subject. Influencing this theory is symbolic interactionism which emphasizes ones’ ultimate ambition and the lifelong social synergy that transpires to achieve it (Peiters, et al. , 2011). The recruitment of participants was obtained by posting flyers in public areas in Southern California and two bordering states. The locations targeted were oncology departments, cancer support agencies, oncologist offices, churches, senior community centers, and retirement centers. Newspaper advertisements, as well were used to elicit participation. Purposive and snowballing techniques were utilized. Screening for eligibility, clearly defined, was done via telephone for inclusions which ended with eighteen women all over the age of seventy, completed treatment for treatment for breast cancer within the last three to fifteen months. Informed consent was obtained and interviews took place mainly in homes or apartments lasting up to two and a half hours. One limitation of the study was that second interviews stopped at only ten women and may have excluded valuable new incite to the study, although researchers claim that second interviews revealed no new data, hence implying data saturation. Adequate thick description was given of the participants, setting and study processes to ensure transferability (Polit & Beck, 2012). Interviews were guided by a questionnaire and responses were tape recorded, followed by verbatim transcription. Examples of interview questions were provided for the reader to convey effectiveness of the process (Polit & Beck, 2012). Other helpful tables provided were the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Category schemes revealed are three barriers that theses breast cancer survivors faced, which were lack of information, preexisting co-morbidities and multiple health care appointments. These schemes prove logical for the study as they helped elaborate the purpose of the research. Multiple passages from the participants were extracted to give evidence of well interpreted data and emotional state of the participants. Data analysis was systematic initial coding, followed by focused coding using ATLAS. ti, version 6. to magnify reoccurring data. To create a audit trail, memos, field notes and diagrams were written. Two researchers, one of them being the principle investigator and the other well versed in grounded theory analysis, were responsible for coding and analyzing the data. In nursing the level of evidence provides assurance for the methods that were utilized for the study (Polit & Beck, 2012). This research would qualify as level VI, given that it is a single descriptive, qualitative, physiologic study specific to women aged seventy or older and their journey through life with breast cancer. The goals of this research are affirmed by the extensive detailed interviews of eighteen older women and their struggles with breast cancer. Each participant plummeted through barricades to recieveing health care. The importance of an oncology nurse navigator emerged as a valuable role to help clarify the process of obtaining services for healthcare. Meticulous care was taken in the transcription of taped interviews and explicit excerpts were bestowed to the reader to ensure trustworthiness.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Art History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Art History - Essay Example Case in point, an iconographic picture of God would be spoken to in the inner part roof emulated by lesser creatures, for example, heavenly attendants and holy persons that were spoken to beneath God. These delineations were regularly spoken to in frescoes and mosaics intended to portray the ideal request of the universe. Frescoes and mosaics were frequently shown one-dimensionally and would speak to religious assumes that had serious looks to intimate appreciation and convention. Religious craftsmen wished to attention these figures profoundly instead of physically displaying them from three-dimensional viewpoints. Byzantine specialists likewise took part in making enlightened compositions that were books or archives that were designed with sumptuous Byzantine materials (Cunningham, John and Lois 94). Case in point, numerous vital Bibles was frequently made into enlightened original copies and had exceptional spreads, weaved pages, and gold linings. Hagia Sophia is a previous patriarchal basilica, later a mosque, now a gallery, in Istanbul. Acclaimed precisely for its monstrous arch, it is regarded as the embodiment of Byzantine structural planning and a standout amongst the most wonderful structures on the planet. It was the biggest basilica on the planet for almost a thousand years, until the fulfillment of the Medieval Seville Cathedral in 1520. The current building was initially built as an audience somewhere around 532 and 537 on the requests of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian, and was indeed the third Church of the Holy Wisdom to involve the site (the past two had both been wrecked by mobs) (Jeffreys and Steven 117). It was outlined by two planners, Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles. The Church contained an expansive gathering of heavenly relics and accentuated, in addition to everything else, a 50-foot (15 m) silver iconostasis. This was the patriarchal church of the Patriarch of Constantinople and the religiou s

Individual Assignment, Theories of Management Essay

Individual Assignment, Theories of Management - Essay Example The first case study deals with the revival of Nissan from losing millions to making millions under the leadership of Carlos Ghosn. The second case study describes the leadership style of Andros Stakis, group-managing director of Stakis PLC, who almost put the entire company in risk. Case Study I - Nissan Nissan Motor Co., a Japanese automaker has been one of the largest car manufacturers in the world (Daily Markets). The company started losing its market share to another Japanese competitor Toyota since late 1970s and was suffering continuous losses since 1997 (INSEAD). In March 1999, Nissan had an alliance with French carmaker company Renault in order to bail out of their mountainous debt (Renault). In terms of strategy, it was a good M&A deal. Renault’s geographical market strengths were in Europe and Latin America where Nissan was weak. Similarly in case of organizational capabilities, upon the merger, Renault would gain access to Nissan’s engineering and manufactur ing know-how, while Nissan would profit from Renault’s marketing and design abilities (NY Times). Cultural clashes, different organizational behaviors and financial conditions of Nissan posed huge risks to the anticipated synergies from the merger. The casestudy reflects on the leadership style of the new COO Carlos Ghosn (le cost cutter) who made a clear agenda of the change that Nissan would go through in the years 1999-2001. In the first week itself, Ghosn made a number of significant changes such as incentive plans for his executive officers, new language policies and a committment to quit if profits were not achieved by FY 2001 (HBS). Ghosn’s leadership style in the case is called as dramatic, sel-sustaining, effective charismatic and focused. The company returned to profit by FY 2000 and had an operational profit of 4.5% by FY 2002. Case Study II – Stakis PLC The second casestudy discussed in the paper is that of Stakis PLC, a group of hotel and casino cha ins in UK. Headquartered in Glasglow, the company was owned and run by Reo Stakis who turned a lace business to a hotel and casino empire. Prior to the appointment decision of Andros Stakis as the new CEO, Reo led the diversification of group into casinos, pubs, hotels and restaurants. In early 80s, the hotel tycoon passed on his business to his son Andros when the company was in a transitionary landscape of the unstable external environment and mis-guided strategic direction. The company’s strategic and financial position was exposed to the downturn in economic climate of 1991. Despite induction of two established leaders, Sir Lewis Robertson and David Michels as Chairman and CEO respectively, the company started having debts as high as ?15I Mn in 1991. Upon a number of cost-cutting measures, divestures, new partnerships and ouster of Andros Stakis, the group had its first pre-tax profits in 1993. Hilton PLC bought the group in 1999 for ?1.2Bn (The Independent). Theories of Management – An Overview This section provides an overview of varios theories of management designed over the period of years to make effective judgements on business and processes: 1. Scientific Management Theory (1890-1940): From the need to increase productivity, Fedrick Taylor divised a body of principles that scientifically selected workers so that each each worker would be given the responsibility best

Monday, August 12, 2019

Innovative Policies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Innovative Policies - Case Study Example Samsung considers creativity as the germ of innovation and in the process invests in a broad range of programs and initiatives that boost creative spirit as well as the autonomy of their employees across the corporation (Mahlich & Pascha, 2012). Samsung Electronics is subdivided into 10 business divisions that comprise of 3 major subdivisions; Consumer Electronics (CE), IT and Mobile Communications (IM) and Device Solutions (DS).The Consumer Electronics (CE) business comprise of Visual Display Business made up of TVs, Home Theater, Monitor, Sound bar and Set-top box. Secondly, the Digital Appliance Business made up of Washing machine, Refrigerator, Air conditioner, Smart Oven and Air Purifier .Thirdly is the Printing Solution Business made up of Malfunction Printer (MFP) and Printer. The last segment of this business is the Health and Medical Equipment Business that comprise of Digital X-ray as well as in-Vitro diagnostics (Robbins, et al, 2014). The second business segment consists of IT and Mobile Communication (IM) made up of the Mobile Communications Business and include Mobile Communications Business that comprise of Smartphone, Tablet PC ,Wearable devices and Notebook PC. The second subdivision is that of Network Business which consists of WiMAX, W/CDMA solution and LTE solution. The last segment in this subdivision is Media Solution Center comprising of Samsung Apps, Group Play, ChatON and WatchOn. The final business subdivision is Device Solutions which comprises firstly of Memory Business made up of DRAM, SSD, eMCP and NAND Flash. Secondly is the System LSI Business comprising of Mobile Ap, CMOS image sensor and Foundry. The last segment in this subdivision is LED business which consists of LED packages for TV and IT products, LED lighting packages and LED packages for automotive lighting. The consumer electronics segment of Samsung has

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Stage of sleep - psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stage of sleep - psychology - Essay Example Going over the information covered in class, â€Å"Stage† 1 and â€Å"Stage† 3 read to me more like doorways to actual stages, instead of being stages themselves. The reason I felt that way was both because of the length of those two stages, and because of the way they seem designed to build up to the next stage. Neither one of them felt like they were defined individually, but were based on the stage that came after them. Stage 1 of the sleep cycle lasts only about 5-10 minutes, and was technically defined as the transition period between wakefulness and sleep. What came to my mind was the short period of grogginess people usually experience when they first wake up in the morning. They’re eyes are open, and they’re obviously not asleep any more. However, their minds and bodies haven’t fully reached alertness, so they’re not fully awake, either. That grogginess is kind of a limbo between being asleep and being awake, and I think that Stage 1 is the same thing, only going the opposite direction. Stage 3 is almost identical to Stage 1, with the only real difference being where it comes in the sleep cycle. It lasts about the same amount of time as Stage 1, and is also a transition period. Thinking of the transitional stages, particularly Stage 1, as being somewhat separate from the rest of the stages should help me get to sleep faster. One way I could to that would be to create a kind of transition period or routine before I try to get to Stage 1. Remembering that Stage 2 is where the body begins to relax and slow down—the heart beat and body temperature, specifically, go down—then Stage 1 can be thought of as designed to take us from being fully alert to being ready for a kind of light hibernation. If I were to spend some time just before going to bed listening to quiet music or reading a soothing book, I could potentially make Stage 1 of sleep easier to get in to and through. I was surprised to learn that t he stages of sleep do not follow a logical, sequential order of 1-2-3-4-5. When we first began covering the stages of sleep, that is the order I thought they would follow, and those five stages would somehow take up a person’s full night of sleeping. It would have made sense to me for some people to need each stage to last longer—meaning that they need to have more hours of sleep at night to feel rested—and others would be able to get by with shorter stages. However, what I learned was that the stages of sleep actually go a little out of order. According to an article entitled â€Å"Stages of Sleep,† the order is more like 1-2-3-4-3-2-5-2 and that order is repeated a few times every night (Cherry, 2011). Realizing that our bodies go through several cycles of the five stages of sleep throughout the night gives me some ideas for what to make my sleeping environment like. In going over the material from our class lectures, as well as reviewing the informatio n providing in the article â€Å"Stages of Sleep,† it’s apparent to me that people go through Stage 2 more times in a night than any other stage. Stage 2 is the one where the body begins to become more relaxed before going in to a deep sleep. In this stage of physiological change, people might be fairly easy to wake. So, I would take that knowledge and create an environment in my room that encourages me to stay asleep once I fall asleep. Maybe I could play some quiet music in the background that would minimize the effect of noises in the night on my subconscious. The idea

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Pop Culture-one artifact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pop Culture-one artifact - Essay Example There is one real leg of a person and a prosthetic limb with a message persisting that there are no original spare parts for the human body in the poster. The company uses logos to tell the people that the human body must always be under great care. It uses the words in the advertisement, as a form of logos to convey the message that people should be careful whilst engaging in dangerous activities. In this case, the company is insisting that drunk driving can result in an outrageous accident that can make individuals lose their body parts. There are no spare parts for the human body and thus people must avoid drunk-driving at all costs. The company uses pathos to capture the attention of audience by describing the potential dangers for drunk driving. The photo showing a person with one real human leg and a prosthetic limb seeks to imply the potential effects for drunk driving, and effectively portrays pathos. It is portraying the dangers a person is exposing himself or herself to, by driving while drunk. BMW uses the photo to show the prospect of losing a body part and recovery difficulty. The photo exhibits the jeopardy of drunk driving. The utilization of this image is supposed to initiate mental thoughts and conceptions among the audience regarding the fundamental effects of driving while drunk. By understanding the potential dangers, the audience is supposed to become thoughtful of drunk driving. The â€Å"BMW† logo at the right corner of the poster portrays the use of ethos. The company is an established car-manufacturer and the usage of the logo will win the trust of many people. It is likely that many people will consider reading the message and put it into practice because of the brand name â€Å"BMW†. The company is advertising itself for the sale of cars but at the same time using its brand to sensitize people against driving while drunk. This is a

Friday, August 9, 2019

Mass media Ethic case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mass media Ethic case study - Essay Example Accordingly, Monsignor Burke, the COO of the church has approached a public relations personnel, John Allen, for advice on how to handle this matter. In this case, the church wants to find out whether to declare the nightmare of sexual abuse a past occurrence that has no effects on the current welfare of the church or to blame predecessor bishops for the vice. In this case, there are two fundamental values on which catholic faith is grounded that are concerned. They include truth and justice. In the case of truth, the church advocate for accountability and transparency while for justice, the catholic affirms that each member of the society deserves to be served with justice at all time. The theory, developed to address the issue of Enlightenment rationalism, is grounded on the view that the only intrinsically good thing is a good will; an action is only good if its axiom  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ the rationale behind it  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ is commitment to the moral law. In this case, the church should be guided in a way that will help in restoring the morality and public goodwill. As such, I would advise the archbishop to consider three dimensions when making a decision on what to disclose to the media: Firstly, he should consider the truthfulness of the matter. In this case, he should gauge the statement he wants to issue against the truth. In this case, he should uphold the principle of truthfulness. By doing so, the church will ensure that this character-tarnishing story will never haunt again. Secondly, I would advise to evaluate the intentions that the church has in this scenario. In this case, the intentions should reflect god wills and to a large extent, the principle of morality should be taken into consideration. Lastly, the decision reached by the church should uphold dignity and respect on the part of the church. In this regard, I would advise them to take a position that exhibits respect to the member of the congregation and the

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Write a 500 word Market Research Brief from behalf of a company of Essay

Write a 500 word Market Research Brief from behalf of a company of your choice. The brief can be developed on any kind of problem the company has or may have - Essay Example He is known to push people to accomplish goals and objectives more than they thought they could achieve. He also stretched the possibilities of hardware and software design that yielded revolutionary products of which we enjoy today that often drove his people nuts(time). He was known to become rude, [slave driver at times], unreasonable, fickle, arrogant and even took credit for other’s ideas. But despite these seeming weaknesses, Job’s leadership have undeniably drove the company from near bankruptcy to become one of the most envied companies in the world. This management style of Steve Jobs however is no longer emphasized in the present leadership of Apple. Being such, Apple is bound to have problems without a leadership that is driven to innovate because such leadership and organizational discipline that was instilled by Steve Jobs was the main factor that drove the company to excellence that produced radical innovation. Its new CEO Tim Cook did not have the same drive towards excellence nor have the genius of Jobs to think of revolutionary products that would shake the industry. And due to this shortcoming, he is more predisposed towards what he calls as â€Å"incrementalism† which is essentially just to make things better what Steve Jobs already did. And this new leadership is dangerous to the company because it is one of the management traps that lead a company into a downfall. This is the management leadership trap that Robert Schaeffer articulated in the article â€Å"Mistakes Leaders Keep Making† of failing to pu sh for significant improvement for fear that people are already overwhelmed (2010). As a result, Apple is no longer growing and its former competitive edge of being radically innovative is no longer there. In an industry where change happens at a dizzying pace and products become obsolete overnight, doing the same thing even better is problematic because it