Saturday, June 8, 2019

Bib 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bib 8 - Essay ExampleAccording to the Acts, Peter had to flee from Jerusalem after the threats of persecution by King Agrippa and spent his time henceforth traveling and building churches all over. There is mention of Peter returning to the church in Jerusalem later but not much number has been given of him other than that in the Acts. Peters writings indicate that he was on missionary work in the areas of Asia Minor and also in Rome, working with Mark to translate his experiences with Christ and document the teachings and history (Niswonger, 1992). Peters ministry was mainly to the Jews.Peters First Epistle was written from Rome and intercommunicate to people in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia (Barlee, 1837). The issues raised by Peter mainly comprised the church persecution. Also, Peter detailed his own understanding of apostolic ethic. Peters endorse letter was addressed presumably to the same churches but the topic under discussion was the false teachers in the church. In the final years of his life, Paul truism the killing of his wife, was thrown into the Mamertine prison where he converted his jailers, was subjected to immense torture and was killed in 67AD by Nero (McBirnie).According to the Galatians, apostle John was in Jerusalem in the somewhat 49AD where he rose to a position of great influence in Christianity shortly after the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, he moved to Ephesus (McBirnie) and stayed till his go away years as a leader in the Ephesians church (Niswonger). Here under the Roman kings decision, John was exiled to an island called Patmos where he was presented with the sacred give of Revelation and he recorded the events in New Testament book of Revelation (McBirnie) along with Johns letters. John addresses the people as the minister of religion and the apostle in a very personal manner and refers to himself as the elder. The main subject

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